Sunday, December 5, 2010

Our Weekend...

We spent this weekend down with Micah's parents in Lavaca. My SIL, Emily, was out of town for the weekend, so we took Landry's two cousins down with us. Landry had so much fun playing with them...she loves other kids so much, but she especially loves these two. :) Here are several random pictures from the weekend.

Photo shoot before we left our house. This was the best I could get...

Cousin Jackson telling Landry how to sit still.

Sassy little Avery in the car telling me "no pictures!"
We realized pretty quickly why people with 3 kids get minivans...our car was packed, and it was almost impossible to get around the two carseats to get Jackson buckled in the back.

Jackson is going through a major pirate stage...he loves everything pirate, and wants to kill everything with his sword. Papa-D putting on Jackson's new pirate eye patch that Gigi made.

Jackson couldn't figure out how to open his eye while the other one was covered up. He kept having to lift up the eye patch to see. It was too cute!

On Saturday, we were on a float for the Lavaca Christmas parade. Landry really enjoyed waving at all the people, and the kids loved throwing candy to other kids.

Landry getting to see her Great Grandmama and Grandad after the parade.

And the most popular part of the weekend...BATH TIME! Landry had so much fun in the tub with her two wild cousins. Gigi had her hands full trying to get all three clean.

One clean and happy girl. :)

We found a new puppy while we were down there. Her name is Avery, and she really likes milk, cookies, and bossing her owners around. :)

Gigi and Landry after church this morning.

Jackson pretending to be asleep in front of the fire after church. So funny!

As you can see, we had a really fun weekend! Jackson and Avery are getting to be so much fun...we laughed and laughed on the way down on Friday night. Two of my favorite quotes were:
"I like going to WaR-Mart with my mommy because I have sharp teeth." Avery (2 1/2 years)
"Gracie (the cat) doesn't ruff, she mowes." Mowes, not meows. :) Jackson (3 1/2 years)
It is so fun to watch Landry play and love on her cousins because Micah and I got to grow up doing the same is special having cousins close!

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