This week has been busy! I have not even taken one picture, and that makes me so sad! Landry is growing way too fast, and I need to be capturing every second of it. So, here is what has been going on this week....
Fun with Friends:
Micah was gone to the Sugar Bowl at the beginning of this week. Landry and I got to go to lunch and catch up with a sweet friend on Monday. Then, Tuesday night we got to have a fun slumber party with one of my best friends, Michelle! All three of us girls snuggled up in bed and watched a was so much fun!
Treasured time with God:
On Tuesday, I started back to the women's Bible study at our church. This year, we are doing an in-depth study of the Bible. Part of that is that we are reading through the entire Bible. I have never done this, and I am LOVING it so far. It is so cool to read God's word in depth every single chronological order! I am really looking forward to this year.
Exciting News:
On Thursday, we were able to go out to our midwife's pregnancy center in Huntville. Landry and I were able to love on some girls who really needed the love even more than they needed the diapers, clothes, or food that we handed out. We have grown to love one couple specifically that we see every time we go out. They have a 12 month old baby girl who loves to hug and kiss Landry...she doesn't quite know how to handle that yet. :) Please pray for Shelby, she is a precious mother, but she has no idea that she is worth anything. It warms my heart to be building a special friendship with her, and I pray that she will come to know God's love. to the exciting news. While we were there, we were able to hear our sweet new baby's heartbeat. That is always one of the best sounds in the world! It was about 178 and very strong!
Family time:
My little brother was still in town from college this week. He came over on Thursday afternoon, and we went grocery shopping (I will go with anyone to have an extra set of hands!!) :), sat around and laughed, and he got to spend some special time with Landry. Then, on Friday night we went to my mom's and had Red Beans and Rice for dinner with the whole family.
Lots of Changes for Landry:
I always say that Landry is changing so much every day, but this week she literally started doing new things every time I turned around. When I look at her face, she is starting to look like such a big girl! Here are a few of her milestones right now...
- She is 8 1/2 months old
- She has two teeth on the bottom, and 4 teeth coming in on the top!
- She is steadily growing a mullet, and I love it.
- She is speed crawling everywhere. I can't turn around for a second without her being in another room.
- She is pulling up on everything...even just on the wall.
- She is walking behind her babydoll stroller all over the house!
- She is saying hi, dada, baba, no, and yea!
- She will clap her hands and say "Yea!" if we get her excited.
- She will shake her head no when she doesn't want something.
- She raises her arms above her head like "touchdown!" all the time. We aren't really sure where this came from.
- She is finally sleeping in her crib through the night! We finally did crib training this weekend...a little late. She only cried for 30 minutes the first night, and she has been pretty happy with it the rest of the time. Hopefully it will keep going okay because we are kind of liking having that extra room back in our bed!
So...that is what has been going on with our family. I probably will be out of touch for a while because we are sending our computer out to have some work done. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures to share when we get it back!