Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful on Thursday...

Today, I am thankful for the love Landry has for her Daddy. She is his #1 fan right now, and I can tell he loves that. :) If she is awake before he leaves for work, she loves for him to come get her out of her crib. If she isn't awake, she always waves at him through the video monitor when I get her up because she thinks he can see her...we have this neat "talk" feature on our monitor where he talks to her from our bedroom sometimes. She loves walking him to the door before he leaves to go somewhere, and she will ask "daddy go bye?" Her eyes light up and she gets SO excited when he comes back home from work. Each time my cell phone rings, she thinks it is him and will walk around YELLING "Dada, daaaaaaada!" As much as she loves her Daddy, she still needs and wants me when she gets hurt or is super sleepy...knowing that I am still needed makes it okay that he is her current favorite. :)

This picture is from a little over a month ago when we were packing up to move. We had all of our pictures and things stacked in the dining room to pack up, and Landry found this picture of Micah and I. She would fight me like crazy to get in to the dining room and stand there staring and pointing at her Dada. Sweet girl loves him like crazy, and I think he likes her a little bit too. :)

Here are some pictures of Micah and Landry swimming over the 4th of July weekend.

Landry is like a fish, or as one of our friends described her, "half duck." LOL. Luckily, Landry's Dado and Nana live down the street from us and have a fabulous pool for babies with a kiddie area and everything. What a fun summer this has been so far with our precious little girl!

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